Qualius is accredited as ATO - Accredited Training Organization - for training in USM by APMG InternationalTM, one of the most prestigious accreditation organizations in the field of professional training, with a global presence.
As an ATO, Qualius went through a process of formal assessment and certification of its quality management system - QMS, as well as its training materials and the qualifications, certifications and pedagogical preparation of its trainers.
Qualius and its trainers are regularly subjected to actions to monitor compliance with the rules and quality levels required to maintain accreditation as an ATO for USM.
The APMG-International USM and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under the permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved.
SURVUZ Foundation and Unified Service Management (USM, the USM Method) are trademarks of the SURVUZ Foundation. All rights reserved.